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Regular Braces Vs. Clear Aligners, What is Best for You?


Crooked teeth are more than just an aesthetic issue. If your teeth are not aligned properly, they can negatively impact your self-esteem and lead to many severe health conditions. Fortunately, you can have your teeth straightened to correct misalignment.

Whereas in the past, you would not have much choice and would simply have to opt for braces, there are now more options available. In addition to traditional metallic braces, there are also clear aligners. As clear aligners have a distinct advantage over braces because they are virtually invisible, there are many things you need to consider before choosing which is best for you.

What Problems Are solved With Aligners?

Often clear aligners are marketed as being the solution to most dental problems. However, this is only half of the truth. Yes, they are great for treating alignment and comfortable enough to have in your mouth, but they are limited in what they can do.

While they are perfect for treating gaps, and crooked and overcrowded teeth, they are less effective if you need to raise some teeth to correct height issues.

Furthermore, aligners are ineffective if you need to correct teeth that are rotated. Braces are the better option in these situations.

What are More Convenient and Comfortable?

Regarding comfort, as we have already noted, clear aligners are the winners compared to braces. While there is the painful process of teeth shifting and pressure being exerted, aligners do not have the sharp edges that braces have that can cause cuts to your tongue and inner lip. They also exert greater pressure than aligners.

However, on the subject of convenience – it is relative. Some prefer traditional braces as they do not need to take them out and put them somewhere while eating. On the other hand, others find eating without that barrier created by braces more convenient.

It is also worth it because when you have braces, you can’t eat food that is too hard or sticky. With clear aligners, you can eat and drink anything you want because they need to be removed first.

What About Cleaning and Care?

Regardless of the method of teeth alignment you settle for, care and maintenance will always be an essential part of your daily routine. You must brush and floss your teeth regularly to clean the braces properly. To clean clear aligners properly, though, an additional step is involved. You need to clean your aligner trays. This involves more than just a brush and some toothpaste – you need to wash them in warm water with a specially formulated cleaning solution. Getting the temperature of the water just right is also vital because if the water is too hot, it can alter the shape of your aligners.

Conclusion – Which is Best for You?

When choosing which is best for you, between clear aligners and more traditional braces, you need to consider your preference and requirements. Which is best for the treatment your teeth need? Clear aligners are a good choice if you need to solve crooked, crowded, gapped or overlapping teeth. Whereas if you have more complicated dental issues, most orthodontists will advise against clear aligners because they do not provide the necessary pressure.