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Preventative Dentistry


Preventive Dentistry The mouth is home to billions of bacteria. Studies suggest that the mouth acts as a portal to the rest of your body. In fact, some researchers are linking gum diseases that originate in the mouth to medical conditions such as stroke, heart diseases, diabetes , respiratory diseases. That means that if you have poor dental health, the implications reach far beyond the oral cavity. Conversely, if you look after your dental health, you protect not just your teeth and gums but your whole body as well. Sadly, many people only see a dentist when they experience dental pain. In reality, you should avoid the occurrence of pain by actively pursuing Preventive Dentistry.


Prevention is better than Cure At Dentist on Queen, we believe in early detection and intervention as a proactive means of Preventive Dentistry. Our zero-tolerance Early Detection policy aims to eradicate plaque before bad bacteria get a chance to accumulate or build up in the mouth. Our experienced team of skilled dental practitioners is committed to the use of cutting edge diagnostic tools and methods – including low-radiation digital x-rays – to promote an active oral care maintenance program for all patients. The program includes such preventive measures like plaque control, oral nutrition and kid-friendly oral care education.


Our Preventive Care sessions typically comprise the following:


  • Comprehensive check-up (link to Comprehensive Oral Exam)
  • Diagnostic assessment with x-rays
  • Professional Clean and Polish
  • Fluoride Treatment
  • Dental Sealant (for Kids)


Recognising the importance of these basic dental services, it is our priority at Dentist On Queen to make them affordable and accessible to the community we serve. To book a Preventive Care session with our friendly team at Dentist On Queen, give us a call on 02 96231261.



Why Preventive Dentistry benefits you and your whole family At Dentist On Queen, we take a serious view of Preventive Dental Care.


Here are some of the reasons why it is important and the simple steps you can take to improve the dental health of your whole family: Regular dental checks Regular visits to the dentist for oral exam and professional cleaning are essential, if you wish to keep dental problems at bay – and prevent them from developing into painful dental or medical conditions.


Read more about our Comprehensive Oral Examination services, Professional cleaning Plaque and tartar develop faster than you think. Unfortunately, it is not enough to practice home cleaning regime like brushing and flossing. Bi-annual (every 6 months) professional cleans can help to remove any build-up of plaque on your teeth and gums that normal brushing and flossing cannot. The dentist or hygienist can also eradicate any foul-smelling bacteria to refresh your oral cavity.


Prevent gum disease Routine dental checks can help to detect gum disease – which are often symptomless. Left unchecked, gum disease can advance to major dental problems like severe tooth and bone loss. Early detection of gum disease means avoidance of more patient-involved dental procedures like surgery or extraction. Detect early warning signs of Oral Cancer Early detection and prevention of oral cancer is a grossly underrated but critical component of Preventive Dentistry. If left undetected, oral cancers can metastasize to other regions and cause irreversible harm. Although a serious medical condition, Oral Cancer is actually treatable and completely curable if the disease is detected at an early stage.


Prevention is better than cure. To book a Preventive Care session with our friendly team at Dentist On Queen, call us at 02-96231261. 



Comprehensive Oral Exam


In addition to at-home oral care routines like brushing and flossing, getting your teeth checked and evaluated by a dentist or dental hygienist once every six months is vitally important to your dental health.


A Comprehensive Oral Exam can help to identify oral symptoms or underlying dental problems early. A dentist or hygienist is a trained professional that uses specialised diagnostic methods and tools to spot these symptoms. Dental problems detected in their initial stages have the highest chance of being treated using pain-free, minimally invasive treatment.


The last thing you should do is wait until the pain sets in to see a dentist. Left untreated, even minor dental issues can snowball into major oral ailments – that may require extraction or even surgery down the road.



Check your dental health at Dentist on Queen


At Dentist on Queen, we encourage all our patients to engage in Active Oral Care Maintenance. We want to help patients of all ages build a strong foundation for a lifetime of great dental health. As your family’s dental needs evolve over time, vigilance on matters of oral healthcare maintenance is paramount.


It is not enough to practice good oral care habits at home. Finding a dental partner that caters to the growing needs of your family is the next important step.


At Dentist on Queen, our experienced team of Oral Healthcare Professionals are well trained and equipped to meet all your dental needs. Our child-friendly methods are designed to make your little ones feel safe and secure in a familial environment. Let us help you and your family members usher into a future of beautiful smiles!



Why Regular Dental Checks Are Important To Children


For children, the formative years of their dental development are the most rapid and crucial. In fact, your child’s dental journey can begin as soon as the first milk teeth start to erupt.


As your child’s teeth and gums start to develop during the early years, they are more prone to cavities and tooth decay. During the twice-yearly scheduled visits, our dentists can help to identify small cavities before they enlarge and become painful. Detected at an early stage, small cavities can be treated by regular fillings that are non-invasive for the young patient.


In addition, our dentists also check your child for any functional problems that may affect the oral facial development including the jaws and general health. Functional issues – such as tongue tie, tongue thrust, thumb sucking, mouth breathing, airways issues, snoring, enlarged tonsils and adenoids – should be properly managed or treated as early as possible before they cause any permanent damage during the child’s formative years.


During the same session, the dentist or hygienist can give your child’s teeth a thorough clean to get rid of plaque and tartar, administer fluoride treatments to strengthen their teeth against cavities and teach them how to brush and floss properly.



Adults need it too!


Of course, adults need regular dental checks as much as children do. Regular dental checks are a great investment for everyone!

People who avoid getting their teeth regularly checked and cleaned often find themselves spending more money (and time) to fix major dental problems that should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago. In the long run, regular Dental Check Ups Can Save You Money – and in some cases, a painful ordeal!


To make an appointment for a Comprehensive Dental Assessment, call the friendly team at Dentist On Queen (located on 97 Queen St, St Marys, NSW 2760) at (02) 9623 1261 today! 




(especially for Wisdom teeth, Implants, etc.)



Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart


As a child, you learn that brushing and flossing your teeth is essential if you want to avoid tooth decay and have healthy gums.


But could keeping your gums healthy also help to reduce your risk of having a heart attack?


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